sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008


I don’t understand why is so important to run something. I don’t understand why some of my co workers are trying to do the supervisors work. Why is so important to them??? What they win with that??? Why is so hard to understand isn’t their place to run. We are counselors, and we are here to help people and not to run anything. We have our supervisor, and directors to run. They are the leaders not us!
So last week one of my supervisors told to a client she should have a hang tight. The counselor decided to go agnaist him, and told the client she doesn’t need a hang tight, and he didn’t care about what the supervisor said. Hello!!!!!!!! What?????? Is this world crazy??? So we spend our days telling clients that they should follow staff directive, and if they don’t they will be pull up for gross disrepect and fronting off. Then the clients see staff doing that to their supervisors, so can some one explain to me how they are going to respect them???? Do they trust them??? Do they respect it??? Of course not! So today, what happened? I came to work and I found a house split in 2. Why? Because one of the counselors didn’t accept the changes that they are making in facility, so she decided to feel sorry about the others who came to this cottage, and rescue them by putting them in status team. The cottage made everything they could to welcome them very well, and then one of them says that this cottage is chaotic. After the chaotic word they were put in status team, and of course the rest of them felt attack, betrayed. So I had to call my director and fix the problem (power problem). She spoke with me I told me the client felt embarece by me when I told her that she didn’t have the right to say what she said about her sisters, and she manipulated to be in status team.
I said that was true and I explained to the other counselor that shouldn’t happen, because we were splitting family. Our job is to bring them together. I explained her feelings they felt when they saw the other sisters in status family. Like I said before betrayed, and attack. The counselor circule them up, and told them that what happened was their fault, and the other cottage was better than our cottage. When she said that I left, and yes, I did to make my point. That hurtled them. Why is so hard to say “I am sorry I ran in self will yesterday” why is so hard to apologize to the client??? Why???
I don’t have any problem to apologize to a client when I have to. That is what I call a trust relationship between client and counselor. The clients complain about they don’t know them. They don’t! It's sad, but true. The funny thing about this is when I am around they go and facilitate the groups, because they know if they don’t do their job like they should I am going to tell my supervisor. My only reason to be in this field is to help people like one day someone helped me. My only ambition is learn, and get certificates, lol. I am not here to run; I am here to try to save one more life. Is good to go home and feel I made the difference. One client asked me why she keeps using drugs, and I told her to talk with her counselor. She reply by saying that her counselor tells her that she needs to share, and is the only thing she can do. For me was weird that answer so I asked her what kind of treatment work she is doing. She said: guilty and shame. She walked away and I went to her chart and there it was…. Treatment work already made up for 6 months. Ok, so now people explain me this… how do I know what a client is going to need in 2 months???? I don’t!
Anyways I am just expressing my frustrations in here. Please, fire me if one day I will become like that anyway I love what I do, and I love to be where I work

the other post i was talking about is 2 posts below this one

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Just keep doing what you are doing. The others play thier part, at least I think, LOL.
Oh, and as far as the client goes, she hasn't addressed her sex addiction yet. When I met with her a few weeks ago, she said she has a sex addiction, however, she admitted to me that very rarely has she had fulfilling sex with any of her boyfriends. She thinks that is what you are suppose to do in a relationship. She was molested by her friends father when she was young. She has never dealt with that, and it is probably too late this time around. We will see her again, hopefully.

Mentes Conectadas disse...

:) I am going to see movies all weekend:)