segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Is there possible

Just a thought, just wondering
Can be possible that exist many types of relapse?
Can be possible that many relapse not because they have a disease but because they found a way to get what in conscience they want?
How the brain really works?
Why is so hard to recovery?
The client I like to work most is the ones they already relapsed more than 2 times. Since I am been working with a few a keep wondering, why they keep coming back. Then I let them to make phones calls to their family, and what I see? What I listen?
I listen them saying: bring me, bring me, give me, and give me.
Can be possible that some of them go back and use as a parents revenge?
When they are on the phone they don’t show any compassion for their parents. They act as “you have to”
Is there possible that they have an addiction named “asking for attention in a wrong way”?
Is not the same that saying: “here! Now, take care of me! Can you see me now?!”
This thought came from watching children.
Children learn in a very young age how to get their parents attention.
Most of them they know if they cry strong enough they will get what they want.
If your children are in a public place and start to cry and scream, what are you going to feel first of all?
Are you going to feel sorry for the children? NO
Your primary feeling is SHAME. You are feeling shame because your child is screaming and everyone is looking at you.
What are the feelings that human being wants to get ride all the time?
SHAME and Guilty.
The society expects that you know how to control your children, and if they start scream people will give you a weird look.
So, you react to your shame, and you will give to your child what they want right way.
Isn’t an addict an immature person, in an adult body?
Yep, it is!
So, can be possible that they keep doing that while adults?
Yep. I think so.
Isn’t the same that most of them relapse in a relationship?
Yep it is!
Hundreds of them relapse in a relationship to get attention from their partners. Is the last ultimate.
They have tried everything to get their attention, and then at the end they will show their last card….relapse.
What a partner does when his/ her partner relapse? They start right way taking care of the relapse one.
See, doesn’t matter if the other one is an addict or not. What matters are just co dependent people date addicts. Doesn’t really matter if they are also addicts or not. They are for sure codependents!
Now let’s look to the family.
The reality shows us that once one child had become the addict the others brothers and sisters will be ignored, because the family will spend their time taking care and rescue the addict. All the rest of the brothers and sisters will be neglected in this process.
So how we explain that after that one of the neglects becomes also an addict?
Simple, they know that using drugs will make their family give the same attention that they saw the other sisters or brother having. They know is the only way to get attention!
Is like anger. Anger can be an addiction because anger people they know they will get attention through anger and intimidation. Works! Why they should stop? They won’t!
They found a way to blame people, places and things in order to not feel guilty.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Yeah, makes sense. Especially in the relationships, when one gets hurt they relapse and then claim "look what you did to me"; "Look how bad you hurt me". We have this disire for the other person to feel hurt by our actions. Hell, I know I've done that shit in the past. It's alomost fun to wallow in pity and listen to sad music in hopes that someone notices at some point. Yeah Right, never works!