domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2007


1ºSTEP I cant, i dont want surrender its be honest (drugs bad life), acceptance

1- indentify losses and to accept to fight from what i am at the moment and what i have

2 - indentify to the mechanisms of defence

3- acceptance of "is an incurable illness

2º STEP somebody can, faith, to believe the high power, to improve self esteem, to value the small changes, to return the health is to return the domain of the life. Insanity - it is the Inability to handle with subjects to do..dutis and responsabilty in society and still not to recognize its proper illness and the track of destruction left by this deases.

3º STEP I to leave itself, to fill the emptiness left for the drugs with the high power, to deal with the anxiety [ what I go to make ] tomorrow, to deal with the Real [ I I am thus ] and with unreal [ that I can ] deal with the limitations [ more not to be than I am ]

4º STEP meet I + I , face the facts (unconfortables) see the value of freedom

5º STEP to show as I am for I + ANOTHER ONE + GOD, the feelings, mechanisms of defense, fear of the stranger, objective to work the honesty, humildade, responsibilities, to identify /reconguinese and to ratify the unhealthy behaviors and losses.

6º STEP I + GOD. I am ready to effect the changes

7º STEP GOD + I. To beg to effect the changes [ not it infidelity ]. Identify/recoguenise consequent behaviors of the defects/imperfects and the decurrent ones of the addiction

8º STEP self-knowledge, to carry through the list of situations/names of the wronged ones and to remember that the wronged ones of today will be the ones of tomorrow.

9º STEP act of pardon to another one. Repairing without justice does not exist

10º STEP today to repair me. If I not to place respect/honesty with me, other they go to act equal I. Of the situations I have the positive and negative side. The hard will 3 minutes, but the fancy increases and if drug [ the will is of a high power ]. The emotional fallen again one is for the manipulation

11º STEP I pass to carry through 2o and 3o daily steps

12º STEP I pass to take the message to donate itself, the gratitude, therefore when you it arrived everything was ready

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