About addiction/ Acerca da doença da adicção. Os meus pensamentos, analises, conclusões, novas perspectivas, e mudança das mesmas ao longo dos anos, tanto como conselheira e adicta em recuperação. A primeira parte deste Blog foi escrito enquanto estava a exercer como conselheira em Dallas.
domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009
Step 2 - Believe / Trust
We can base step 2 in a moral value. Is basic become aware of I – THE EGO
our favorite quote is “ i want, and i want now!”
when we want what we want NOW, we loose the opportunity to connect with people.
We become “ emotionally not available”
you cant find emotional connection.
You find body connection, language connection, but no emotional connection.
When your ego rules, you wont feel the pain of the other. You don't feel the pleasure, or even try to meet the other.
You are to self centered in your ego, and you become incapable to connect with another human being.
You are too afraid of that.
In other day i was doing a group and clients ask me “ so, how we fight with our ego? How can we get rid of it?”
my answer was “ damn......you have to work a lot in yourself!!!! and it may be the hardest thing you will do in life – work in your ego. Let me tell you why is hard.... our society is feed through ego.
Even the date Website is the proof of that!
Date Website is simple a way to “ NOT CONNECT” with people.
See, let me tell you what happen in those sites; you find yourself talking with 10 people at the time, so that becomes the best way to not connect, and run from your feelings. You even don't become vulnerable, because you are under stress answering to those people. You become rational, not emotional!
Then you go meet one of them today, and tomorrow you will meet another one, and next day another one, so you end up confuse, and again, not connecting.
You don't connect because you know, when you arrive home you will have 5 girls waiting for you in that Website.
So, you start a negotiation..... i liked that one, but.... the other one was.....but this one is more....
and then you lie, and deceive, and you end up years doing that.
Let me make this simple, you set up yourself to fail!
The trust is not going to be build, the hope isn't going to happen. Let me tell you what will happen then..... resentment, disappoint, and what is the name of this on a therapeutic talk???? ANGER!
That´s it.
How could society work on this area??? how could them be free??? how could them be spiritual????
easy, not let the ego interferer with that....through honesty!
But unfortunately we are living in a society that likes to make people hostage to feed their ego.
You are not sure if you want the person, you probably don't want anything, but, you don't let go the person.
You keep that person prisoner of your ego.
But then at night when you do a moral inventory on yourself , you think “ i am a good person”
are you? Huh? Keep coming back! LOL
this was just an example that i found to explain EGO.
So, step 2 is believing and trust that IF I DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING, if i stop being insane, maybe i can live in peace, and happier.
Everyone knows the mean of insanity = doing the same stuff over and over again, expecting different results!
Isn't going to happen friends!
Believe that is possible to live a better life
believe that is possible to be a better person
believe that person in front of you can be important for your life, AT THIS TIME, and that doesn't means she/he has to stay forever. Believe always that people walk in your lives to bring us something that we need at that moment, and then when they bring, its finish, and you need to let them go, in order for others come in and bring what you may have need in the future.
Trust that you can do all the above.
Pray for guidance, let something bigger that you walk you through your path.
Stop with games – create magic, not games.
Ego is just body pain.
Your pain shows up in a egocentric way, and you are not capable to understand that people around you, can be the ones nurturing your pain.
Believe that you may not need to control anything, the Universe will take care that for you.
That is the law of attraction...keep dreaming ....keep believing..... keep trust...... let go of your ego.
Ego just will make unhappy
love, love,love
passion, passion, passion
Do it!
And then......let go when is time to let go..... and go with a smile! Was worthy!
some pics of me acting wierdo! lol
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